We analyze the structural parameters of the largest-available sample of spatially
resolved extragalactic globular clusters. The images of M31 GCs were found in
a search of HST archival data, described in a companion paper.
We measure the ellipticities and position angles of the clusters and conclude
that the ellipticities are consistent with being caused by rotation.
We find that most clusters' surface brightness distributions are
well-fit by two-dimensional single-mass Michie-King models. A few clusters
show possible power-law distributions characteristic of core-collapse, but the
spatial resolution is not high enough to make definitive claims.
As has been found for other galaxies, the metal-rich clusters
are slightly smaller than the metal-poor clusters.
There are strong correlations between structural properties of M31
GCs, as for Milky Way clusters, and the two populations are
located close to the same `fundamental plane' in parameter space.