SCYON Abstract

Received on February 17 2005

Membership and proper motions determination of open clusters based on the UCAC2 Catalogue

AuthorsW. S. Dias, M. Assafin, V. Flório, B. S. Alessi and V. Líbero
AffiliationInstituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 369, São Carlos 13560-970,SP, Brazil
Observatório do Valongo, UFRJ, Ladeira Pedro Antonio 43, 20080-090 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Submitted toAstronomy & Astrophysics


We present investigations on the kinematics of hundreds of open clusters, based on the UCAC2 Catalogue positions and proper motions. Membership probabilities were obtained for the stars in the cluster fields applying the statistical method proposed by Zhao & He (1990), using stellar proper motions. All open clusters with known distance were investigated and for 75 clusters this is the first determination of mean proper motion. The results, including the DSS images of the cluster's fields with the members marked, are incorporated in the Open Clusters Catalogue supported on line by our group (Dias et al. 2002).