We present multicolour CCD photometry for two poorly studied open clusters
(King 5 and Be 20). Photometry for a field near King 5 has also been
carried out to estimate the contamination by field stars.
The colour magnitude diagrams (CMD) of the clusters show a well
defined main sequence extending to limit of the photometry V
~ 20 mag. The reddening for King 5, estimated from the
colour-colour diagram is ~ 0.82, whereas that for
Be 20 as estimated by comparing theoretical main-sequence (MS) with the
observed MS is 0.10. The morphology of the CMDs indicates that these
clusters are old. The
CMD of Be 20 shows a globular cluster like horizontal branch.
In case of King 5 the comparison of
observational CMDs with the standard isochrones of VandenBerg
(1985) indicates an apparent discrepancy between the shape of the turnoff
and isochrones.
The CMDs of King 5 seems to be better understood in terms of stellar models with convective overshoot.
The comparison of the CMDs with the stellar models by Bertelli et al. (1994)
with the convective overshoot produces a good fit for a metallicity Z = 0.008
and an age = 1 Gyr for King 5 and 5 Gyr for Be 20. An apparent distance modulus (m-M) = 14.0 and
15.1 has been estimated for King 5 and Be 20 respectively. They
corresponds to a distance of 1900 ± 100 pc and 9026 ± 480 pc,
respectively. The radial density distribution in King 5 indicates
that there is excess of low mass stars in the outer region of the
cluster whereas the density distribution in Be 20 shows a good resemblance with
the empirical King (1962) model. For both clusters observations have also been carried out to
search for variable stars.