List of abstracts received for SCYON

List of abstracts by order of arrival date

Issue No 23, May 2 2005


  1. Star forming region
  2. Embedded clusters
  3. Galactic open clusers
  4. Galactic globular clusters
  5. Galactic center clusters
  6. SMC clusters
  7. LMC clusters
  8. Extragalactic clusters
  9. Cluster formation
  10. Dynamical evolution - simulations
  11. Miscellanous

A. Star Forming Regions

B. Embedded Clusters

C. Galactic Open Clusters

Wilton S. Dias, Jacques R.D. Lépine  (April 29 2005)
Direct determination of the spiral pattern rotation speed of the Galaxy

Giovanni Carraro, Rene Mendez, Jorge May, Diego Mardones  (April 22 2005)
The open cluster NGC 6520 and the nearby dark molecular cloud Barnard 86

Sandro Villanova, Giovanni Carraro, Fabio Bresolin, Ferdinando Patat  (April 13 2005)
Metal abundances in extremely distant Galactic old open clusters. II. Berkeley 22 and Berkeley 66

G. Carraro, D. Geisler, G. Baume, R. Vazquez, A. Moitinho  (March 24 2005)
The intermediate-age open clusters Ruprecht 4, Ruprecht 7 and Pismis 15

Ignacio Negueruela, Simon Clark  (March 22 2005)
Further Wolf-Rayet stars in the starburst cluster Westerlund 1

Giovanni Carraro, Gustavo Baume, Giampaolo Piotto, Rene Mendez, Linda Schmidtobreick  (March 4 2005)
Luminosity and mass functions of galactic open clusters. II. NGC 4852

Luca Di Fabrizio, Angela Bragaglia, Monica Tosi, Gianni Marconi  (February 25 2005)
Berkeley 22, an old and distant open cluster towards the Galactic anticentre

D. Galactic Globular Clusters

Giovanni Carraro  (March 7 2005)
Whiting 1: a new Halo Young Globular Cluster

E. Galactic Center Clusters

F. SMC Clusters

G. LMC Clusters

L. M. Oskinova  (April 29 2005)
Evolution of X-ray emission from young massive star clusters

H. Extragalactic Clusters

Carsten Weidner, Pavel Kroupa  (April 29 2005)
The variation of integrated star IMFs among galaxies

Richard de Grijs, Mark I. Wilkinson, Clive N. Tadhunter  (April 25 2005)
From young massive star cluster to old globular: the LV-sigma0 relationship as a diagnostic tool

I. Cluster formation

J. Dynamical Evolution - Simulations

Marc Freitag, M. Atakan Gürkan, Frederic A. Rasio  (May 1 2005)
Runaway collisions in young star clusters. II. Numerical results

Marc Freitag, Frederic A. Rasio, Holger Baumgardt  (May 1 2005)
Runaway collisions in young star clusters. I. Methods and tests

K. Miscellanous