List of abstracts received for SCYON
List of abstracts by order of arrival date
Issue No 24, July 19 2005
- Star forming region
- Embedded clusters
- Galactic open clusers
- Galactic globular clusters
- Galactic center clusters
- SMC clusters
- LMC clusters
- Extragalactic clusters
- Cluster formation
- Dynamical evolution - simulations
- Miscellanous
A. Star Forming Regions
B. Embedded Clusters
C. Galactic Open Clusters
G. Carraro, D. Geisler, A. Moitinho, G. Baume, R. Vazquez (June 24 2005)
- Photometric study of the old open clusters Berkeley 73, Berkeley 75 and Berkeley 25
G. Carraro, G. Baume, R. Vazquez, A. Moitinho, D. Geisler (June 21 2005)
- The intermediate-age open clusters Ruprecht 61, Czernik 32, NGC 2225 and NGC 2262
E. Carretta, A. Bragaglia, R. Gratton, M. Tosi (June 2 2005)
- High-resolution spectroscopy of the old open cluster Collinder 261: abundances of Iron and other elements
A. Subramaniam, D.K. Sahu, R. Sagar, P. Vijitha (May 24 2005)
- NGC 146: A young open cluster with a Herbig Be star and intermediate mass pre-main sequence stars
D. Galactic Globular Clusters
E. Galactic Center Clusters
F. SMC Clusters
G. LMC Clusters
H. Extragalactic Clusters
Michael R. Meyer and Julia Greissl (August 3 2005)
- Constraining the IMF in Extreme Environments: Detecting Young Low Mass Stars in Unresolved Starbursts
R. de Grijs1, G. Parmentier2 and H.J.G.L.M. Lamers (July 11 2005)
- The initial mass distribution of the M82 star cluster system
Margarita E. Sharina, Thomas H. Puzia, Dmitry I. Makarov (May 31 2005)
- Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Globular Cluster Candidates in Low Surface Brightness Dwarf Galaxies
Thomas H. Puzia, Markus Kissler-Patig, Daniel Thomas, Claudia Maraston, Roberto P. Saglia, Ralf Bender, Paul Goudfrooij, Maren Hempel (May 27 2005)
- VLT Spectroscopy of Globular Cluster Systems II. Spectroscopic Ages, Metallicities, and [alpha/Fe] Ratios of Globular Clusters in Early-Type Galaxies
C.M. Boily, A. Lançon, S. Deiters, D.C. Heggie (May 2 2005)
- The M/L ratio of young star clusters in galactic mergers
I. Cluster formation
Fellhauer, M., Kroupa, P. (July 19 2005)
- Star Cluster Survival in Star Cluster Complexes under Extreme Residual Gas Expulsion
J. Dynamical Evolution - Simulations
Clovis Hopman and Tal Alexander (July 19 2005)
- The orbital statistics of stellar inspiral and relaxation near a massive black hole: characterizing gravitational wave sources
Peter Berczik David Merritt, Rainer Spurzem (July 11 2005)
- Long-Term Evolution of Massive Black Hole Binaries. II. Binary Evolution in Low-Density Galaxies
Andras Szell, David Merritt, Yannis Kevrekidis (May 2 2005)
- Core Collapse via Coarse Dynamic Renormalization
K. Miscellanous