List of abstracts received for SCYON
List of abstracts by order of arrival date
Issue No 22, February 21 2004
- Star forming region
- Embedded clusters
- Galactic open clusers
- Galactic globular clusters
- Galactic center clusters
- SMC clusters
- LMC clusters
- Extragalactic clusters
- Cluster formation
- Dynamical evolution - simulations
- Miscellanous
A. Star Forming Regions
B. Embedded Clusters
C. Galactic Open Clusters
W. S. Dias, M. Assafin, V. Flório, B. S. Alessi and V. Líbero (February 17 2005)
- Membership and proper motions determination of open clusters based on the UCAC2 Catalogue
D. Galactic Globular Clusters
A. Dieball, C. Knigge, D.R. Zurek, M.M. Shara, K.S. Long (February 21 2005)
- NGC 2808 Revisited: Blue Stragglers, White Dwarfs and Cataclysmic Variables
Holger Baumgardt, Eva Grebel, Pavel Kroupa (February 15 2005)
- Using distant globular clusters as a test for gravitational theories
E. Galactic Center Clusters
F. SMC Clusters
G. LMC Clusters
H. Extragalactic Clusters
Thomas H. Puzia, Kathy M. Perrett, Terry J. Bridges (February 21 2005)
- New Light on the Formation and Evolution of M31 and its Globular Cluster System
M. Fellhauer, P. Kroupa (February 18 2005)
- A Possible Formation Scenario for the Ultra-Massive Cluster W3 in NGC 7252
I. Cluster formation
J. Dynamical Evolution - Simulations
K. Miscellanous
Pavel Kroupa, Carsten Weidner (February 21 2005)
- Variation of the IMF
C. Weidner, P. Kroupa (February 21 2005)
- Monte-Carlo experiments on star-cluster induced integrated-galaxy IMF variations
C. Weidner, P. Kroupa (February 21 2005)
- IMF variations and their implications for Supernovae numbers